Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Geography Shelves: In the Forest of North America

NOTE TO ALL READERS: I am a mommy NOT a photographer! :)

The little ones having been LOVING our new continent map! We use it to sing our continent song each day as we point to the continent. For those who are interested, I wouldn't make this map any larger. It is just the right size for all of our friends to sit around, but not overwhelm them if they do it alone. After singing our song, our "map helper" gets to put the camper and the continent name on the map. Then all of the friends get to name the animal and place it on the map by saying: "the bear lives on the continent of North America."

I purchased all of the Safari Ltd. animals toobs for each of the continents so that they would all be the same size. I then used fabric puffy paint on the underside of the animal with the matching continent color for easy identification.

The continent of North America shelves include a variety of super fun things! Our Montessori globe is super fun and the kids love it! They think they are sooo tricky when they spin it!

They are loving this sensory tray with all kinds of things that you would find in the forest including a snail shell, pine cone, rocks, acorns, feathers, a little bird, and some unusual dried berries. It was so cute on the shelf I was happy to just have it there, but then when they started using it, I was thrilled!

We have been reading the book In the Woods by Ermanno Cristini. It is lovely book that only has wonderful illustrations. I have it on a small easel to display it well.

These awesome 3 part cards come from The Montessori Print Shop which I have fallen in love with. All of their things are beautiful, inexpensive and save ME a lot of time!

This is a super fun forest animal matching game and the pictures are wonderful.

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